Local school goes all out for Mardi Gras

February 23, 2012

Sixth grade students, Olivia Stone and Madison Leyens

![](http://oakhillgazette.cloudioweb.com/files/2012/02/MG4-200x300.jpg "MG4")Second grader, Bobby Beckmann, showing his Fat Tuesday spirit

Though New Orleans is 500 miles away, the St. Gabriel’s Catholic School community celebrated Mardi Gras as if it were in the same city. The smooth sounds of a saxophone and a trumpet could be heard throughout the campus, as musicians marched through the halls.

They were followed closely by the Mardi Gras kings and queens representing each grade. The royal court was chosen by luck – whichever children’s pieces of king cake contained the lucky figurines! As the majestic students marched in celebration past each class, they added dozens of classmates and teachers to the parade at every door.

Before you knew it, the entire school was whistling, singing, and smiling as they were lead by the instrumental sounds of jazz. While adorned with masks, beads, and other green, purple, and yellow attire, they paraded into the gym for an all-school assembly.

They kicked off the gathering by joyously singing, “When the Saints Go Marching In,” and then Ann Walters, Director of Religious Education, explained the similarities between a king cake and the liturgical calendar. They spent the next moments offering prayer intentions before closing in more festive singing.