Oak Hill scout earns Eagle rank
June 15, 2012
Nathan Ploeger built an outdoor classroom for his Eagle project.
Thirteen year-old Oak Hill resident Nathan Ploeger has achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. He is a member of Troop 17, attended Mills Elementary school and just graduated from Small Middle School. He will be a freshman this fall at LASA (Liberal Arts and Science Academy, the magnet program at LBJ High School). Ploeger created an outdoor classroom for the religious school and daycare center at his Synagogue, Temple Beth Israel.
Eagle Scout is the highest advancement rank in Boy Scouting, and according to Boy Scouts of America, only five percent of all Boy Scouts earned the Eagle Scout rank, and the average age to do so is 17.
“He is a remarkable young man to have accomplished this at age 13,” said his mother Sharon Ploeger.