Austin on track as a No-Kill City—90 percent of pets rescued from City shelter
February 13, 2013
The Austin Animal Center had a live animal outcome rate of more than 90 percent for the three-month period ending Dec. 31, keeping Austin on track as a No-Kill City.
The report, released Feb. 12, provides statistics about animal intakes and outcomes from October through December 2012. During that period, more than 4,300 dogs and cats were rescued from the animal shelter resulting in a 91% live animal outcome rate.
The report is available at
The City animal shelter saw an increase in all areas of animal live outcomes: 1,943 adoptions; 1,529 transfers to rescue partners; and a record 837 pets returned to their owners.
“It’s been a successful three months,” said Abigail Smith, Chief Animal Services Officer. “I was very pleased to see an increase in the number of dogs being returned to their homes which I believe is in part the result of the work we do to increase awareness in the community about the importance of tagging and chipping pets.
“Our rescue partners continue to provide significant assistance in helping the City with saving these animals lives,” Smith said.
The report highlighted the improvement in number of cat adoptions. Cat adoptions increased from 715 during the same period to 919. Off-site adoptions have helped with the increase in both cat and dog adoptions. Every weekend, Animal Services staff members take pets to PetSmart, PetCo and Tomlinson’s retail stores. During this reporting period, 150 pets were adopted from these off-site locations.
“Bringing pets to the community is helping us save their lives,” said Animal Services Customer Service Supervisor Jennifer Smith.
Additional highlights from the FY 2013 Quarterly Report:
• 8,332 responses/activities completed by Animal Control
• 179 feral/free-roaming cats spay/neutered and returned
• 239 pets adopted from foster homes
Since February 2011, the City shelter, volunteers and rescue partners have consistently saved the lives of at least 90 percent or more of animals entering the shelter making Austin one of the largest cities in the country that maintains a no-kill status.
About Austin Animal Services Office
Austin Animal Center, the largest municipal animal shelter in Central Texas, provides shelter to more than 20,000 animals annually and services to Austin/Travis County. This facility accepts stray and owned animals regardless of age, health, species or breed.
The goal is to place all adoptable animals in forever homes through adoptions, foster care or rescue partner groups. Animal Services has numerous programs and partnerships designed to help pets in the shelter, in the community and in your home.
The Austin Animal Center, 7201 Levander Loop, is open from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. For more information go to, call 3-1-1, or visit for daily animal updates.